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Recreational Matthews Hockey Sticks On Sale

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Recreational sticks are perfect for casual play. They are reliable and affordable, providing good performance without breaking the bank. These sticks are generally more durable, although they may lack the advanced features of higher-end models.

The Matthews curve (P92) offers excellent control and power, inspired by Auston Matthews' scoring prowess.

Hockey sticks often go on sale for a few key reasons. The most common include the release of new models, prompting retailers to discount older inventory, and end-of-season sales aimed at clearing stock for upcoming product lines. Discontinued models and overstock issues also contribute to clearance pricing, as stores look to free up space for new arrivals. Additionally, sticks with less popular features may be marked down to attract buyers and move inventory quickly.

We have pulled the matching sticks from all our partner retailers below. We still recommend you get a free online stick fitting before making a purchase.

On sale

Select flex range


CCM Tacks AS-570

478 grams

65 flex

Mid kick



CCM Tacks AS-570 hockey stick
CCM Tacks AS-570

478 grams

40, 50 flex

Mid kick



CCM Tacks AS-570 hockey stick